I’m Vincent Summers, the founder of Quirky Science. I am a writer, retired chemist, genealogist, and public Bible instructor.
Ellen H. Fenwick, my first cousin, is a traveler, mathematician, and computer programmer. We love all things technical and puzzling—topics that feature the bizarre or the humorous—the quirky.
Ellen is sharp as a tack and writes whimsical pieces despite her octogenarian status. She enjoys sharing her perspectives on life.
But let’s talk about you. Some of you searched us out because you find science and math fascinating. Others stumbled in here by accident and feel science is boring. We hope to alter that perspective.
Science and mathematics, are exciting! Despite that, even they are boring in the hands of scientists who communicate like lawyers. We try to avoid that here.
Special Note: “We’d like to give a great big thank-you to Victoria Nicks (MSIT), admin of the DecodedEverything collection of websites, for the ever-improving look at QuirkyScience.”
Vincent E. Summers BS ’73 Drexel University
Ellen H. Fenwick PhD ’76 Temple University