I’m Vince Summers, the founder of QuirkyScience. I am a writer, retired chemist, genealogist, and public Bible instructor.
Ellen H. Fenwick, my first cousin, is a traveler, mathematician, and computer programmer.
Science and mathematics, are exciting! Unless, that is, they are left in the hands of scientists and mathematicians who prefer to communicate like lawyers.
Special Thanks to Victoria Nicks (MSIT), for her efforts in behalf of QuirkyScience.”
Vincent E. Summers BS ’73 Drexel University
Ellen H. Fenwick PhD ’76 Temple University
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Special Guest Writer Robert G. Chester:
Quasi-Spherical Orbits – The Most Most Interesting Curves You’ve Never Heard Of
QuirkyScience Feature Articles
We hope you will enjoy the QuirkyScience fare, below, as well as under each of the tabs, above.

- How to Glue Teflon?
- Science: Sun Worship?
- Callus Skin is Different
- The Brown Widow Spider
- Vorticella: a Living Spring
- Propane Heat: Eyes Burn?
- Carob or Locust Bean Gum
- The Neutron a Stable Particle?
- Why Oil and Water Do Not Mix
- Why Metals Conduct Electricity
- The Y Chromosome: In Danger?
- Micrathena Spider In Your Face
- Aluminum Was a Precious Metal
- What Happens at Absolute Zero?
- Pompeii: Frozen Animal Statues?
- A Trick Question About a Balloon
- Calculate Atom Weight Two Ways
- Spin That Egg to See If It is Cooked
- Polyacetylene Conductive Polymer
- Aerogel Properties and Applications
- Decarboxylation of Carboxylic Acids
- Watch Out! The Brown Recluse Spider
- Organic Chemistry: Pushing Electrons
- Cesium Auride – Relativistic Electrons?
- Components and Functions of Neurons
- Esters: Their Structure and Preparation
- Terpenes and Terpenoids: Isoprene Rule
- Permanent Wave: Chem-mystery of Curl
- Nitrogen Triiodide: Schoolboy Explosive?
- Aquaponics: Symbiosis of Plants and Fish
- Volvox Reproduction and Morphogenesis
- Anodizing Aluminum: How Can It Be Done?
- The Two Processes Called Electron Capture
- Chemical Explosives: Picric Acid and Picrates
- Atomic Electron Quantum Numbers Overview
- Molecular Structure of Hydronium Ion Hydrate
- Graphene Properties, Applications, Production
- Ozone – The Other Oxygen: A Brief Discussion
- Jargon: When to Use It and When Not to Use It
- The Dipolar Molecule Water – Mickey the Dipole
- The Fascinating Kitchen Physics of Boiling Water
- Tongue Stuck to a Silver Spoon Eating Ice Cream?
- Epoxide Ring Preparation by Oxidation of Alkenes
- Nitrocellulose Motion Picture Film Decomposition
- Aromatic Resonance: What It Is and What It Is Not
- Ammonia Flip, Quantum Tunneling, & Oscillations
- Alkene Isomers and Nomenclature: 1,3,5-Hexatriene
- Static Friction and Kinetic Friction AKA Sliding Friction
- Introduction to Chemistry Subscripts and Superscripts
- How I Became the NRAO Electroplater / Electroformer
- Why Some Sugars Have a Cyclic and a Chain Structure
- What is the Kinetic Isotope Effect and How is It Useful?
- Organic Chemistry and Life: Has Vitalism Been Reborn?
- Differences Between Citric and Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
- What is Hexagonal Boron Nitride? Why Is It So Interesting?
- Electronegativity of Atoms: What are Determining Factors?
- Eye Color and Genetic Inheritance: Dominant -vs.- Receptive
- Cyclosilicates: Beautiful Gemstones of Technological Interest
- Where Does Crude Oil Come From: Biotic or Abiotic Processes?
- Cuprous Sulfate: A Disagreement with My High School Teacher
- November 2016 Nelson County and Amherst County Brush Fires
- Acid-Base and REDOX (Oxidation-Reduction) Chemical Reactions
- The Chemical Bond – What Model Can We Choose to Represent It?
- Differences between Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Incandescence
- The Fascinating Acetylacetone Molecule and Its Acetylacetonate Salts
- Uranocene – The Trend Setting Aromatic Actinide Sandwich Compound
- Chemical Indicators for Advanced Homeschool From Flowers and Spices
- 50th Anniversary Celebration of the 140′ Radio Telescope at Green Bank WV
January 18, 2025