Calculate Radiation Energy By Wavelength

[caption id="attachment_6281" align="alignright" width="480"] Rainbow Light[/caption] Light exhibits properties that make it seem to have a dual-nature. Sometimes it resembles a particle. Sometimes it resembles a wave. In this article, the energy of a particle will be calculated using a wave property - wavelength. The energy is radiation energy. Radiation from the electromagnetic spectrum in order of decreasing wavelength begins at the low end with radio waves and microwaves. Next is light radiation from the infrared region, the visible and the ultraviolet. Highest in frequency are the x-rays and cosmic radiation. The wavelength range is from approximately 100,000 centimeters to one ten-billionth of a centimeter! The Nature of Light Scientists do not completely understand light. So far it has best been described as possessing two natures. Sometimes it acts as…
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Spacecraft Invisibility: Is Cloaking Possible?

[caption id="attachment_5948" align="alignright" width="440"] Gravitational Lens - NASA[/caption] Have you ever looked for your keys but couldn’t find them? Even though they were right in front of you? The glasses might as well be invisible. If this has happened to you, you should get the concept of cloaking. Is cloaking possible? Cloaking—What Is It? To cloak is to covering or conceal an object, to make it invisible. Invisible at least from a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Not only would the object be invisible, but the surroundings would be seen. It's like something out of Star Trek. Is cloaking possible? Grasping the Idea Imagine you are outside. 25 feet in front of you is a French Poodle. You are looking at it, when a 2½- ton truck pulls between you…
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