Some Prospered from the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression

History, People
[caption id="attachment_19683" align="alignright" width="440"] Soup kitchen opened in Chicago by Al Capone.[/caption] The Great Depression is the term applied to a serious and long-lasting financial depression that began in the United States in 1929 and lasted through approximately 1941. Naturally, it affected the world in general. Curiously, but when you think about it, not too surprisingly, not all U.S. citizens suffered from the Great Depression. In fact, some even prospered as a result of it. Who? How? The Masses Probably contrary to what you might suppose, life expectancy actually rose. It's natural to think suicide would have lowered life expectancy; yet suicide represents only a tiny fraction of total deaths. Even though suicides increased, longevity improved. The CNN reference offers some suggestions why. Individual Success Charles Darrow: Some prospered not…
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Imagine ME – a TV Star!

History, People
[caption id="attachment_3849" align="alignright" width="440"] Camera - Fletcher6 - CCA-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License[/caption] Me a TV Star? What is the world coming to? One day I received a telephone call from my stock broker, Rich Muhlberg of Metis Advisors in Cherry Hill, NJ. I owned shares of LifeCycle mutual fund. LifeCycle’s managers reviewed each customer’s portfolio on his birthday. At this time some of the growth stock was sold and more income producing stock was purchased. The former has more risk and less income than the latter, so this process is appropriate action as one ages. I Am Informed Rich said that LifeCycle was hiring a video company to make an infomercial for the company. Did I want to participate by giving a testimonial? I valued the securities and jumped…
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