What looks like a giant mosquito doesn’t drink blood. In fact, it is not a mosquito at all, but a moderately harmless pest, the crane fly. The crane fly (family Tipulidae) is considered a nuisance because it damages certain plants—most notably turf. For this reason, it is despised by England’s cricket players. “I say, rather quirky, Old Bean.”
A Giant Mosquito?
Here in the U.S. most people haven’t got a clue what the crane fly is. They are so insignificant a problem I always try to spare them by hand-carrying them out of doors if they get inside. Maybe I’m just too old and growing sentimental? If so, maybe it’s a condition we should all suffer from.

In fact, some varieties of crane fly make pests of themselves by by grazing on the roots and root hairs of certain outdoor crops. At the same time, these flies are on the menu of other creatures, including spiders, birds, and in the case of water dwelling flies, fish and amphibians. Thus they do offer some redeeming value.
Note: You might also enjoy What Is It Good For? The Blood Sucking Mosquito
Here in Delaware, we have something that looks much like that bug; might even be the crane fly. They are real easy to swat. Is the crane fly common to certain areas of the U.S.?
They are quite common in the U.S. I never swat them.
I wouldn’t say they were any kind of pest in Scotland but the sight of one flying around with its long, dangly legs hanging down really freaks out Mrs Kasman!
I’m a funny guy. I go out of my way to rescue them.
By the way in Scotland we call them ‘Daddy Long Legs’.
That’s truly odd. We have Daddy Long Legs in the U.S., but we apply the term to spiders!
I came to the website to identify this unique insect after I spent the last 10 minutes finding something to catch him (or her) with (plastic cup), something to cover the cup with (a sheet of paper) and then taking him outside and finding a plant he might be comfortable being released in. Well, there’s at least two of us with the same idea !