Fibonacci Numbers In Nature

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Fibonacci numbers
Romanesco Broccoli – Exhibits Fractal Behavior & the Fibonacci Sequence

The Fibonacci numbers sequence (an infinite series) is defined by mathematicians as

Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2

Their sequence begins

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13….

The question arises, how do these numbers reveal themselves in nature, around us? What is their significance?

Fibonacci Numbers On Land

There are quite a few manifestations of the Fibonacci sequence in nature. Many are listed at the University of Surrey math website. There it is explained how Fibonacci’s problem of the multiplying rabbits led, in the year 1202, to his namesake sequence.

Although the logic behind the problem contains a number of flaws, it did bring attention to Fibonacci and his sequence to us. A real occurrence of Fibonacci’s numbers in nature is seen in the bottom of a pine cone.

In the Sea

Perhaps most inspiring is the occurrence of the sequence in a sea dwelling creature. The Fibonacci sequence, if viewed as a sequence of squares drawn clockwise is seen to form a spiral. Compare that spiral with the cut away shell of the nautilus.

The concluding part three of this series of articles discusses the significance of these occurrences in Fibonacci Numbers In Art.


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