Structure of Hydrazoic Acid and Its Azide Derivatives

When we think of nitrogen and hydrogen, we are likely to think first of ammonia, NH3. But what of hydrazoic acid? Hydrazoic acid is HN3. It looks to be the opposite of ammonia. What is the chemical structure of hydrazoic acid and its azide derivatives? And why are they of importance to us? Valence Consideration When we think of hydrogen, we think of a +1 valence, though at times it is assigned a –1 valence. Similarly, nitrogen ordinarily assumes either a +3 or a +5 valence. Both ammonia and hydrazoic acid exhibit a +3 valence for nitrogen. All of this is well and good, but what is the structure of ammonia? of hydrazoic acid and the azides? In both instances, we may be surprised that what we imagine may not…
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Chemicals With the Same Empirical Formula

An empirical formula lists the elements of a compound but not the structure. Oxalic acid has the formula C2H2O4. Its structure is HOOC–COOH. Multiple compounds can have the same empirical formula and a different structure. The Same Yet Different Location of a specific kind of bond may make the difference. There are compounds with the same empirical formula in which spatial orientation is the only difference. Sometimes one structure can be changed into another structure of the same formula. Most often compounds having the same formula but different structures are completely unrelated. Simple Bond Shift In some cases, a simple bond shift produces different structures with no formula change. An example is 1-butene and 2-butene. The first has the structure H2C=CH-CH2-CH3. The second has the structure H3C-CH=CH-CH3. Both have the…
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