Analytic Geometry Coordinate Axes and Drawing a Line

In analytical geometry (usually taught in high school), two lines are drawn on a paper that are perpendicular to each other. The vertical line represents the "y-axis," and the horizontal line represents the "x-axis." Using these two axes, every point on the paper can be given a value that defines where the point is. If the place where the two lines cross is the zero point or origin, its coordinates (x, y) are simply, (0, 0). Along the horizontal x-axis, starting to the right of the (0, 0) point, write little numbers like a ruler has, 1, 2, 3, and so forth. To the left of that point, write, -1, -2, -3, and so on. For the y-axis, the 1, 2, 3, and such go upward, whereas the -1, -2,…
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Algebra for Beginners: Student Perspective

Have you gone past arithmetic and tried algebra for beginners? Having opted for the “college prep program” at high school, I took Algebra I, freshman year. My instructor was Miss Diamond. She wore those black lace-up shoes elderly women wore then. She was not unkind, although she was rather out of touch with some of the students—including me. It was the first days of class, and, despite seeking her help, I wasn’t getting the concepts. So I turned to the student seated behind me. In about five minutes—perhaps less—he set me straight with his algebra for beginners. I became one of the best students in the class. The principles are easy. Constant -vs- Variable The simplest concept was also the most difficult for me, as paradoxical as that may sound.…
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More High School Math

[caption id="attachment_5627" align="alignright" width="400"] Calculations[/caption] The most practical math for people to understand is undoubtedly high school math, rather than college math. After all, how much calculus is used when you go grocery shopping, get your plumbing fixed, or you go skiing on the weekend? High School Math You've got to love it. Here's the first high school math problem. Problem 1: Simplify the mathematical expression: (x-2y3)4 (x-3y4)-2 Simplifying the first parenthetical expression, we get (x-8y12) It is the powers we multiply when powers are raised to powers. Doing similarly with the second parenthetical expression, we get for that (x6y-8) The equation now reads, (x-8y12) (x6y-8) When we multiply numbers, we add and subtract powers. This gives, (x-2y4) [Answer] ------------------------- Problem 2: 2/10 divided by n equals 3-1/2. What does…
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Secondary School Math Problems Plus Solutions

[caption id="attachment_5613" align="alignright" width="480"] Fractal[/caption] For some, it's actually fun when they come across secondary school math problems plus solutions. It's because they are no longer accountable, since they graduated years ago. Math Problems Plus Solutions Problem 1: Find the slope intercept form of the line passing through the point (– 1, 5) and parallel to the line – 6x – 7y = – 3. The line given is rewritten (in slope-intercept form, y = mx + b) as y = – 6/7 x + 3/7 Thus the slope m = – 6/7 Now two lines are parallel if they have the same slope. So, y = – 6/7 x + b is the formula for the new line, with the intercept not yet solved. We do so by inserting…
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Eight Middle and High School Math Problems with Solutions

Not only current students. but old-timers as well will find these middle and high school math problems informative. Middle and High School Math Problem 1: Leaves from a tree were reported by four different European students to be 2.9 cm, 3.33 cm, 3.9 cm, and 3.12 cm in length. List the numbers in order of decreasing length. For the beginner, the easiest way to evaluate which of these number is smaller and which is larger, is to make the number of digits to the right of the decimal the same. Now the maximum number of such digits here is two. Adding zeros to the right of the last digit does not change a number’s value. When that is done, the numbers become: 2.90, 3.33, 3.90 and 3.12 In decreasing order,…
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