Memorizing Long Numbers – Two Quick Memory Aids

Health, Mathematics
[caption id="attachment_15687" align="alignright" width="440"] Dice - Image Pixabay[/caption] Memorizing long numbers? How can I do that? I recall being told the average American can repeat quickly only numbers with five or fewer digits. For example, hearing several numbers, say 17, 38294, 584, and 127532, most can only say back the 17, 38294, and 584 – not the 127532. How can such a person improve in memorizing long numbers so he can recall 6, 7, and even more digits? There are two ways. The first involves a kind of 'device'. One definition of mnemonic device is “a memory technique to help your brain better encode and recall important information”. Memory Aid – Grouping Numbers Almost anyone can repeat a string of three. Jill speaks a three-digit number. Bob repeats it back…
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What is a Negative Number?

Maybe a negative number is simply a number headed in a different direction. After all, an imaginary number is real. Opposite charges don’t cancel. Antimatter isn’t the opposite of matter. Male and female compliment each other. Instead of three dimensions, maybe there are six dimensions. Or if you include time, maybe there are seven dimensions. Coordinate Systems If there truly is no such thing as a negative number, then both halves of the x-axis, at 180º with respect to each other are positives headed in different directions. What would stand in the way of there being an infinite number of positive directions in between what was formerly negative x and positive x, each rotated a miniscule amount? Waves Even waves that cancel one another at various points may sing a…
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