Cooling Atoms to Millionths of 1 Degree by Laser?

Physics, Technology
[caption id="attachment_24362" align="alignright" width="480"] Laser trapped erbium atoms. Image by NIST[/caption] Laser cooling refers to a variety of techniques. The most common method is Doppler laser cooling. But cooling atoms by laser? Although the math and physics are challenging, we can understand the idea and basic mechanism more easily when we introduce three basic concepts first: quantum absorption of energy, the Doppler effect, and how atomic motion correlates with temperature. The Absorption of Energy "Quanta" It is at the very heart of the quantum theory that an electron bound in an atom cannot absorb just any amount of energy it encounters. In the free state, it can, but as soon as the electron is restrained as part of a new structure in an orbital, only certain discrete amounts of energy…
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Introduction to Chemistry Subscripts and Superscripts

Chemistry, Education
Subscript and superscript can make all the difference when it comes to chemical formulas. Molecules, compounds, and other chemical structures include more than one atom. Sometimes, there are multiples of one particular atom. For instance, anhydrous aluminum chloride features one atom of aluminum joined to or combined with three atoms of chlorine. Its chemical formula reflects this: AlCl3. But – simply knowing how to use a number in this instance is not enough. It is essential to know the proper use of subscripts and superscripts. Subscripts in Chemistry Notice the number 3 is written as a subscript, or a number that is smaller than the other text, and below the normal text line, in the formula for anhydrous aluminum chloride above. The concept of a multiplicity of atoms is conveyed…
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What IS the Kinetic Isotope Effect and How Is It Useful?

Chemistry, Physics
[caption id="attachment_18280" align="alignright" width="460"] The simplest atom.[/caption] Matter and the atoms that make it up consists of electrons, protons, and neutrons. The center or nucleus of each atom consists of at least one positively charged proton. Usually the nucleus includes neutrons, which are uncharged. Negative electrons are found in orbitals well outside the nucleus. Their number equals the number of protons in the nucleus. Such atoms have a net charge of zero. Elements The number of protons determines what element an atom is. One proton identifies hydrogen, two protons helium, three lithium, four beryllium, five boron, six carbon, and so on. Each of these elements possesses a unique chemistry. The quantity of protons equals the quantity of electrons, so everything's set, right? Well, no! The number of neutrons in all…
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Do Lone Atoms or Molecules Assume States of Matter?

Search the Internet for the definition of states of matter and much comes up. Perhaps you are the sort of reader who peeks first at Wikipedia to get some ideas what other sites you will visit to obtain answers to your questions. At any rate, you will note basic descriptions for the states of matter you experience every day. Take the following discussion for what it is: a hypothetical discussion on the nature of matter. If you can demonstrate its veracity or illegitimacy, please do that in the Comments section, below. States of Matter Solid: “Atoms or molecules fixed in location and locked in place.” How are these particles locked into place? They bond to each other and do not readily move around, much like the assembled pieces in a…
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LCAO MO Chemical Bonding Theory and Examples

[caption id="attachment_8903" align="alignright" width="440"] Antibonding sigma orbital.[/caption] LCAO MO The nature of the chemical bond has been of interest for hundreds of years. Theories have been developed to explain how atoms combine to form molecules. The most successful theory to date is the (L)inear (C)ombination of (A)tomic (O)rbitals - (M)olecular (O)rbitals or LCAO MO bonding theory. You've got it: yet another acronym. Atoms have nuclei. These contain protons and neutrons. Electrons travel around these nuclei. Orbitals are mathematical functions that describe their trajectories. As atoms form molecules, atomic orbitals combine to form molecular orbitals. Since orbital functions are described by the Schrödinger wave equation and that equation is linear, molecular orbitals can be described by the linear additive combining of atomic orbitals. Example of Hydrogen Ordinary hydrogen has one proton,…
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Calculate Atom Weight Two Ways

[caption id="attachment_8437" align="alignright" width="400"] Radon atom statistics.[/caption] Ever wonder how much an atom weighs? One atom. Different varieties of atoms weigh different amounts—helium weighs one thing, lead another. But how can the weight of any sort of atom be determined to within reasonable accuracy? We present two simple methods to calculate atom weight. Two Ways One can calculate atom weight from knowing the weights of the constituent electrons, protons, and neutrons. If you know the weight of each of those and the number of each in an atom, you can readily calculate its weight. Yet, there is an easier and a better way. Let’s pick an element out of the hat. Let’s take gold (If we can’t afford it, at least we can talk about it.). To calculate atom weight…
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Examples of Atoms That are Ionized

[caption id="attachment_15556" align="alignleft" width="440"] H +1, H atom, H -1. Image by Jkwchui CC-by-SA3.0[/caption] Not all atoms are atoms that are ionized. All atoms have a nucleus containing protons and neutrons. That nucleus is surrounded by one or more orbitals that contain electrons. The total charge of a neutral atom equals zero. The number of protons equals the number of electrons. If the number of electrons increases or decreases, an atom is ionized. It is either a cation (positive ion) or an anion (negative ion). Atoms That Are Ionized The same thing can happen to small collections of bonded atoms. By definition, an atom oxidizes to a cation or reduces to an anion. Positively Charged Atoms (Cations) Atoms that are ionized have lost energy and become more stable in so…
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