Chemical Separation by Fractional Distillation and Crystallization

[caption id="attachment_24415" align="alignright" width="480"] Distillation apparatus[/caption] Solids may be subdivided into amorphous solids and crystalline solids. Amorphous solids possess limited order in the way molecules are bonded to each other. Crystalline solids, on the other hand, exhibit an exceptional degree of order. Logic should tell us a mixture of crystalline solids should be capable of chemical separation and purification through some reiterative crystallization process, based on relative solubilities. This proves to be true. The process is called fractional crystallization. Before discussing fractional crystallization, it might prove wise to discuss the simpler process of fractional distillation, the separating by distilling of a mixture of liquids possessing markedly different boiling points. Ordinary Distillation Consider an example of two liquids, Component A and Component B, that are miscible (they dissolve completely one within…
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Straight Chain Alkanes: Predicting Properties

Straight chain alkanes are compounds with a non-branched backbone of carbon atoms. In addition, as many hydrogen atoms as possible are attached to each carbon atom. Straight chain alkanes are “saturated” hydrocarbons, which means they are completely filled up with hydrogen. See Figure 1 for examples of straight chain, branched chain, saturated, and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Methylene With the exceptions of methane and ethane, straight chain alkanes differ in the number of methylene groups (CH₂) each contains.  Thus the first five hydrocarbons, methane, ethane, propane, butane, and pentane are written, CH₄ CH₃CH₃ CH₃CH₂CH₃ CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₃ CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂CH₃ Another method of writing straight chain alkane chemical formulas for the butane and pentane structures above is, CH₃(CH₂)₂CH₃ CH₃(CH₂)₃CH₃ General Formula From this, we can formulate the rule for the formula of a straight chain alkane…
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