How Procreation Differs from Creation

Bible, Biology
When humans produce a child, that child is said to be a product of procreation. This is different from creation. What do these two words mean? That is, what is the difference between creation and procreation? Creation In the strictest sense of the term, creation is the production of something from nothing. Although an artist may produce a great painting and we marvel at his "creativity", he or she did, after all, start with something. Perhaps a canvas and paints! Of course what we mean is his marvelous painting never existed before and since he did paint it, we have something new and beautiful we can enjoy. So we speak of the painting's creation. God? Most of us are familiar with the account that says God formed the first man…
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The Ten Commandments – Are They for Christians?

Bible, History
[caption id="attachment_18239" align="alignright" width="480"] Dead Sea Scroll containing the Decalogue or 10 Words.[/caption] The Ten Commandments or Decalogue are part of a larger collection of laws included in an agreement between God and the Nation of Israel. The agreement was a covenant (sometimes called a "testament"). Such an agreement is comparable to a marriage agreement or covenant, in which both parties promise fidelity in a legally binding relationship. As a marriage is adulterated by unfaithfulness between husband and wife, a covenant between God and humans is tainted by spiritual adultery. The covenant that included the additional 600 or so laws was mediated by Moses. Thus it came to be called the Mosaic Law covenant. Does this covenant or do these laws apply today to Christians? A Blessing and a Curse…
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Tongues: God’s New Congregation, His New Nation

Bible, Language
[caption id="attachment_18191" align="alignright" width="480"] Glossolalia - the speaking in tongues.[/caption] By the year 33 of our Common Era, many Jews were living outside Jerusalem. Those who were faithful adherents of Judaism had traveled a considerable distance to come to Jerusalem to attend the Passover Festival. Some of these spoke foreign languages, not Hebrew. It was the dawn of Christianity. How would God introduce these non-Hebrew speaking Jews to Christianity, which at its inception consisted of Hebrew speaking Jews? He would miraculously provide a sufficiency of translators to declare His message. He would give the gift of speaking in tongues! Each one present would each hear and understand the magnificent things of God and could carry the message back on returning to his homeland. Please read Acts 2:12-15. Traveling Jews and…
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Do You Carefully Read Your Bible? Genesis 1:1

[caption id="attachment_18152" align="alignright" width="480"] Dwarf Galaxy[/caption] Do you read your Bible with great attention to detail? Consider the very first verse in God's Word, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." How many times have you warmly read those words, yet without deep reflection? In the Beginning Let's take a really close look at this first verse in the Bible, Genesis 1:1. It speaks of "the beginning". What was this beginning? The beginning of all time? No. How can we establish that the expression "the beginning" does not refer to the beginning of time? By scrutinizing the words of Psalms 90:2. Notice it says God is "from everlasting to everlasting." Not only will he always be, but he has always been. Being human, we may have difficulty…
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Requiescat In Pace (R.I.P. or Rest in Peace) – A Valid Phrase?

Requiescat In Pace (R.I.P. or Rest in Peace) – A Valid Phrase?

Bible, Language
[caption id="attachment_14341" align="alignright" width="480"] The Sarcophagus of Cyriacus.[/caption]In its article entitled Rest in peace (Latin: Requiescat in pace), Wikipedia states “The phrase dormit in pace (he sleeps in peace) was found in the catacombs of the early Christians.” [Italics added] I am not certain how early the “early” Christians are that are referenced by Wikipedia. In fact, I wonder if any inscription of this sort was used at all for, say, the first 100 years after Jesus' death. Yet, "he sleeps in peace" better represents the Bible’s true hope for the dead. Requiescat In Pace? Today these words are replaced by the phrase “rest in peace”. Wikipedia speaks of this as well, saying “Th[is] phrase was not found on tombstones before the eighth century.” Even though he sleeps in peace,…
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Mummy Ötzi and the Bible

Bible, History
[caption id="attachment_13034" align="alignright" width="300"] A reconstruction of Ötzi's axe. Image by Bullenwächter, CC by 3.0.[/caption] Mummy Ötzi and Tubal-cain have what in common? Most scientists do not know. But it has to do with his axe. It also has to do with the Bible. The oldest and best-known naturally preserved mummy was discovered and uncovered in 1991. He had been frozen in ice for more than 5,000 years. Nicknamed Ötzi, a copper axe was found in his possession. What is so special about the axe? Scientists had previously believed metal objects would not be introduced for an additional 1,000 years. Mummy Ötzi Many new things were discovered in connection with mummy Ötzi. But the thing that should most interest sincere Bible students is the axe. Why? Because the Bible informs…
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Magnesium Chloride Anti-Icing Spray

Bible, Chemistry
How does your department of transportation deal with winter? Do they use a magnesium chloride anti-icing road treatment ahead of a snow storm? I am a chemist. I live where it snows a number of times each year. Road safety requires local transportation departments to plow during storms. Their efforts are enhanced if preparation is made beforehand. One way to accomplish this is by spraying roads ahead of time with anti-icing spray. Sand Spreading sand does help traction, but it doesn’t prevent or eliminate ice. There is another reason to use something besides sand. Has the reader heard of sandblasting? Particles of sand are blown against a surface to clean it. In fact, it is used to blast away paint from a painted surface. Is that what you want for…
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What is the Origin of Races?

Bible, People
[caption id="attachment_3831" align="alignright" width="440"] Race - Image: IIpdigital, US Embassy[/caption] Interestingly, the origin of races of mankind is quite easy to understand if one does not assume that mankind evolved, but was created as in the Bible account. The Bible indicates the first human couple was directly created, and that the rest of natural born mankind came about through the process of procreation, the passing on of life from one person to the next. From Adam to Noah Adam and Eve were the ancestors of Noah and of Noah’s wife, that one’s name being unknown. By the day of Noah, and under the influence of the demon angels, the world of mankind became violently wicked. Noah was thus told by God to build an ark to carry those who would…
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