What’s the Difference Between Wax and Paraffin?

Chemistry, Language
[caption id="attachment_28810" align="alignright" width="480"] Not paraffin... Bees wax candles.[/caption]What's the Difference Between Wax and Paraffin? Waxes and paraffin would seem to refer to the same thing, and perhaps to some extent, the words are used interchangeably. In fact, paraffin is sometimes called paraffin wax or petroleum wax. Nevertheless, technically, they are different, and the difference should interest us. Let's begin with what a wax is. Waxes Waxes are esters1 of a long-chain alcohol2 (12 to 32 carbon atoms) with a fatty acid. One example of a long-chain alcohol is lauryl alcohol (CH3(CH2)11OH). But what is a fatty acid? A fatty acid is (typically) a carboxylic acid that has a long carbon chain3. One example is palmitic acid (CH3(CH2)14COOH). Palmitic acid is a saturated4 fatty acid. Some fatty acids are unsaturated.…
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Tongues: God’s New Congregation, His New Nation

Bible, Language
[caption id="attachment_18191" align="alignright" width="480"] Glossolalia - the speaking in tongues.[/caption] By the year 33 of our Common Era, many Jews were living outside Jerusalem. Those who were faithful adherents of Judaism had traveled a considerable distance to come to Jerusalem to attend the Passover Festival. Some of these spoke foreign languages, not Hebrew. It was the dawn of Christianity. How would God introduce these non-Hebrew speaking Jews to Christianity, which at its inception consisted of Hebrew speaking Jews? He would miraculously provide a sufficiency of translators to declare His message. He would give the gift of speaking in tongues! Each one present would each hear and understand the magnificent things of God and could carry the message back on returning to his homeland. Please read Acts 2:12-15. Traveling Jews and…
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Message Encoding from Ancient Rome to WW2 Germany

History, Language
Message Encoding from Rome to WW2 Germany, by Ellen Hetland Fenwick "What matter all these mysteries to me Whose life is full of indices and surds?" [caption id="attachment_14580" align="alignright" width="380"] 1946 Captain Midnight Mirro-Flash Code-O-Graph[/caption] X²+ 7X + 53 = 11/3 - Lewis Carroll It started with my reading a wonderful book, “From Mary, Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography” by Simon Singh, 1999. It became clear to me that much of the process used by the Nazis in the workings of the Enigma, the encryption machine that encoded and decoded messages for the Nazis during World War II, originated in ancient Rome. Evolution of Enigma involved only two major advances in cryptography over the course of almost 2000 years. These steps will be described in the remainder of this…
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Requiescat In Pace (R.I.P. or Rest in Peace) – A Valid Phrase?

Requiescat In Pace (R.I.P. or Rest in Peace) – A Valid Phrase?

Bible, Language
[caption id="attachment_14341" align="alignright" width="480"] The Sarcophagus of Cyriacus.[/caption]In its article entitled Rest in peace (Latin: Requiescat in pace), Wikipedia states “The phrase dormit in pace (he sleeps in peace) was found in the catacombs of the early Christians.” [Italics added] I am not certain how early the “early” Christians are that are referenced by Wikipedia. In fact, I wonder if any inscription of this sort was used at all for, say, the first 100 years after Jesus' death. Yet, "he sleeps in peace" better represents the Bible’s true hope for the dead. Requiescat In Pace? Today these words are replaced by the phrase “rest in peace”. Wikipedia speaks of this as well, saying “Th[is] phrase was not found on tombstones before the eighth century.” Even though he sleeps in peace,…
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How Do You Pronounce The?

Many words can be pronounced more than one way. So how do you pronounce the? Times change; language changes along with it. But understanding the spoken word is essential to good communication. In these technological times, communication is breaking down. Not being able to correctly pronounce long words may be understandable. But doesn’t it seem absurd so many mispronounce the simple word "the?" In School During the 60s During the 1960s, quite a few of the kids in school would pronounce t-h-e as thuh. This is a correct pronunciation of the word, but not in all contexts. Here are a few examples of when and when not to use that pronunciation. Poor George ate thuh apple. Suzy rode thuh elephant. Good Give Jill thuh banana. The gentleman opened thuh door.…
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Nouns Have Gender; People Have Sex – A Wandering into the Vagaries of Language

Humor, Language
[caption id="attachment_3714" align="alignright" width="480"] Word Puzzle[/caption] Language is straight-forward, right? Wrong. In speaking English or any language, much can happen. Usages Changes Some decades ago the word “sex” was used to describe the reproductive function of a human being. Now the word’s use in this way is apparently unacceptable and been replace by “gender”. In my 1979 dictionary, “gender” is defined as “… any set of two or more categories, such as masculine, feminine and neuter into which words are divided…”; “sex is defined as “The property or quality by which organisms are  classified according to their reproductive functions”. When Ruth Bader Ginsburg came to the Supreme Court and used “sex” in some of her written communications, she was advised by an assistant to use the more polite word, “gender”,…
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Control Language and You Control the Masses

[caption id="attachment_3361" align="alignright" width="480"] George Orwell & 1984[/caption] Control language. Control the truth. The famous book entitled 1984 gave birth to the expression “Big Brother is Watching.” What that means is, government is watching you as a citizen. It has the goal of catching you engaging in or fomenting some action it labels seditious. More than a saying, the quote sums up the fearful premise assumed by the more paranoid segment of Society. They fear their freedom to do whatever they may wish may be at risk. However, is the idea without merit? Consider the following premise1 that might add to the aura of a government run amok. Consider the possibility of absolute control of the spoken and written word. Control language and you control the masses! Language and Lingo…
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Beginner Level Russian Crossword

[caption id="attachment_3187" align="alignright" width="480"] The Czar's Palace: Kremlin, Moscow, Russia[/caption] Would you care to play a simple beginner's level Russian crossword puzzle? If the solution is also provided? RUSSIA! It's an amazing, multicultural part of this diverse world. Although I cannot afford to visit Russia, I find its people, its history, and its language fascinating. Part of me would like to visit Russia, part of me wouldn't. It doesn't matter. The cost is prohibitive for me. All Things Russian Some time ago, while seeking beginning level Russian video and audio files, I discovered Natalia Worthington and her lovely Spoonful of Russian website. Since I benefited from her efforts, I thought I would contribute to it in some small way. Using Microsoft Word, I generated a beginner's level crossword puzzle. I…
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